How to promote your financial services on social media



financial services on social mediaWhether you’re a financial advisor, running a credit union, or managing an investment firm, you’re missing out on great opportunities if you’re not using social media to market your services.

Social media, when used right, can be your golden ticket to reaching a wider audience, building trust, and boosting conversions. Here are five tips to help you make the most of social media when marketing your financial services.

Share informative content

As a financial consultant/advisor, you understand how vital credibility can be in your work. Share informative content that adds value to the audience’s lives to build credibility. You can start by discussing a few financial basics.

Aim to create posts, infographics, and videos explaining investment types, saving strategies, tax tips, and retirement planning. Don’t just skim the surface; dive into details that matter, like discussing how to balance risk in a portfolio or sharing practical budgeting tips.

If you have experience and expertise, discuss complicated yet desirable topics like debt management, asset management, and risk assessment, or shed some light on the current economic situation and its possible future impact on various financial segments.

Highlight client testimonials and success stories

As stated before, building trust and credibility is everything in the financial sector, but it isn’t a layman’s job. Nothing can convince people of your credibility and convince them to trust you regarding financial decision-making like testimonials.

Real-life success stories can be a game changer when expanding your client base and making your current clients feel valued at your firm since you incorporated their words into your marketing. Showcasing your previous success stories can build trust among your audience.

Convince clients who may be comfortable to share their positive experiences with you and your company, focusing on how important it is for your and your company’s growth. Creating video testimonials and even written reviews can do wonders for demonstrating how your services have added value to your client’s lives and how your services and expertise have enabled them to make informed financial decisions.

Collaborate with financial influencers

If you think influencers are just for marketing fashion, beauty, or food, you’d be surprised to know that influencer marketing is a very diverse marketing tool. Influencers target masses and niches, and various credible influencers specialize in financial influencer marketing.

Consider digging deeper into the world of influencer marketing. In that case, you’d be shocked to discover that many influencers are celebrated for their finance, budgeting, investments, and entrepreneurship wisdom, and people look up to them for their expertise. These are the influencers you need to get on board- by incorporating financial influencers into your marketing plan.

You’d be building credibility and have access to their substantial following base, allowing you to tap into a new market. However, be wary that influencers can be a costly marketing tool, and select the ones that don’t cause a dent in your pocket if financial marketing resources are limited.

Utilize Facebook groups

Social media communities are not just for sharing pointless gossip and fashion ideas but can reap positive results. One such community is Facebook groups, and you’d be surprised they’re not just finding local plumbers and electricians but can help you grow your financial service business, too- you just have to find the right groups to suit your needs.

By joining the right Facebook groups, you can have access to local clients that you may miss out on otherwise, and it’s a great tool to show your expertise. Engage in conversations about financial decisions and resources and, without being pushy, slyly mention your financial advisory service.

One more thing you can do in Facebook groups is offer discounts to your fellow community members and go above and beyond to help them by providing suggestions or answers to questions.

If you’re an active poster, consider using financial services social media post templates on PosterMyWall to produce professional-looking and polished content to attract readers. Becoming an active participant will build authority and brand recognition within your community.

Run targeted paid ads

Running targeted paid ads may be looked down upon today, but trust us when we say it still produces good results, and everyone does it. Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn are like treasure troves for targeting people who need to hear from you.

You can get super specific with your audience—think age, location, interests, and even what they do online. So whether you’re shouting about a new service, exciting a webinar, or pushing out a blog post, these platforms can help you get right in front of your ideal clients.

You can start by creating eye-catching and appealing ads with an immediate call to action, convincing people to click through and land on your website or landing page, and boom—traffic starts rolling in. Social media also lets you gather leads directly, which means more traffic tailored to your requirements.

Promoting your financial services on social media can seem intimidating, but it isn’t something that can’t be done, and you can do it. Select the strategies that sound the most authentic to you and align with your business model – and, of course, fit your budget- and see the magic happen.

Just because you crunch numbers doesn’t mean your marketing has to be dry – make it fun and appealing, and let your audiences do the rest. Good luck!

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